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She provides tools for school staff working with new arrivals


Children who come to Sweden from other countries and start school here can bring with them trauma to which school staff need to relate in their teaching. In the Enable project, teacher Kia Kimhag has developed methods that provide support to Arabic-speaking students.

Kia Kimhag.

Kia Kimhag. Photo: Anna Sällberg

The project “Self-learning for Arab refugee children” has focused on providing an understanding of how pupils can work more independently, even if they have not yet mastered the new language. It is aimed primarily at school staff who have contact with newly arrived pupils in their teaching.

– It’s all about providing Arabic-speaking pupils with better support for self-learning in the classroom. We chose this particular target group because all participating project partners received the most refugees with this background in 2015. These pupils can bring with them trauma, so the aim of the project has been to provide school staff with support in how they can respond to and support the pupils, says Kia Kimhag.

You can find the manual for school staff here.


Kia Kimhag

Telephone: 026-64 86 43

E-mail: kia.kimhag@hig.se

Published by: Anna Sällberg Page responsible: Anders Munck Updated: 2020-07-07
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Box 801 76 GÄVLE
026-64 85 00 (växel)