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Research presentation

Eva Kellner

Research presentation

Eva Kellner

Senior lecturer

Research subject: Biology

PhD in Plant Physiology. Upper secondary school teacher. Research interest – pedagogical content knowledge and professional learning.


Current research focuses on how Swedish compulsory schools work to achieve collective development of practices in science and mathematics.


Professional learning – teaching and pupil learning in biology (2012-2015)

In collaboration with primary school teachers a longitudinal action research project started in 2012. The two first years focused on the core subject content progression in teaching biology, grades 1 to 6. As of 2014, the project concentrates on how to stimulate and assess the development of abilities of pupils, governed by the syllabus in biology. Funded by the University of Gävle.

Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) and Subject Matter Knowledge (SMK) in Mathematics and Science Education (2012-2013)

The project aimed at stimulating development and research on PCK and SMK, teaching methods and student learning in science and mathematics, in collaboration between the University of Botswana and the University of Gävle. In Sweden, the project included action research with primary school teachers in biology and mathematics on teacher professional learning. Funded by Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), University of Botswana and University of Gävle.

Primary teachers in continuing education. Teaching biology - collaborative learning (2011-2012)

In this project, teachers were requested to collaborate on a group assignment, which entailed the planning of lessons about core concepts in biology for 6 to 9-year olds (from pre-school to grade 3), using a specific pedagogical tool. The project explored aspects of teaching raised in their collaborative discussions and what they learnt from concerted efforts in creating lessons and reflecting upon them. Funded by the University of Gävle.

European Science Teacher: Scientific Knowledge, Linguistic Skills and Digital Media (2005-2008)

The project aimed at developing methods for stimulating pupil learning in science. It focused on how to use linguistic methods as a means for learning science, using the Internet as an interface. A Comenius-project funded by the European Union.

The progression of Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) during the teacher training programme in Science and Mathematics (2003-2006)

In the project, the PCK of prospective teachers was studied. My specific interest was PCK as regards photosynthesis and plant growth. Funded by the Swedish Research Council.

Published by: Camilla Haglund Page responsible: Gunilla Mårtensson Updated: 2019-11-28
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Box 801 76 GÄVLE
026-64 85 00 (växel)