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Research presentation

Zhao Wang

Foto taget på biogasanläggningen i Forsbacka 190117.Från vänster i bild: Komalsingh Rambaree (HiG), Sandra Wright (HiG), Agneta Sundström (HiG) och Zhao Wang (HiG).

Research presentation

Zhao Wang

Senior lecturer

Research subject: Environmental Science

My tasks at the subject group sustainability science comprise both research within environmental engineering and teaching in our undergraduate and master programmes. In my position, I have the management responsibility for a undergraduate programme with engineering focus on technologies and technical systems which aim to mitigate environmental problems through minimized emissions and increased recycling of energy and resource. My research, which is directed towards the development and evaluation of technologies with focus on energy and environmental benefits, also includes supervision of doctoral students in the field of sustainability science.



  • Publications
Published by: Camilla Haglund Page responsible: Gunilla Mårtensson Updated: 2020-02-27
Högskolan i Gävle
Box 801 76 GÄVLE
026-64 85 00 (växel)