Guadalupe Francia, profilbild

Guadalupe Francia


Forskningsämne: Pedagogik

Forskningsområde: Utbildningsvetenskap


Om forskaren

Guadalupe Francia är professor i pedagogik.

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  • Thornberg, R., Wänström, L., Sjögren, B., Bjereld, Y., Edling, S., Francia, G. & Gill, P. (2024). A multilevel study of peer victimization and its associations with teacher support and well-functioning class climate. Springer, Social Psychology of Education, 27 (), (69-88). 10.1007/s11218-023-09828-5 [Mer information]

  • Pulido-Montes, C., Francia, G. & Ancheta-Arrabal, A. (2021). Biopolíticas de cierre de centros educativos desde una perspectiva de género: los casos de España y Suecia. UNIV NACIONAL EDUCACION DISTANCIA, Revista Española de Educación Comparada, (38), (17-43). 10.5944/reec.38.2021.29021 [Mer information]

  • Edling, S., Francia, G. & Carolyn, S. (2021). Naming/Framing Educational Leadership Perceptions in Relation to Child Violence at a Swedish Boarding School. CCEAM, International Studies in Educational Administration, 49 (2), (120-145). [Mer information]

  • Ancheta-Arrabal, A. & Francia, G. (2021). Organización del tiempo de sueño y descanso en la educación preprimaria de Suecia y España. Una lectura desde el bienestar de la primera infancia . [Organization of sleep and rest time in pre-primary education in Sweden and Spain. A take from early childhood well-being]. Universitat de Valencia, Revista de Sociología de la Educación (RASE), 14 (3), (272-272). 10.7203/rase.14.3.21542 [Mer information]

  • Francia, G., Neubauer, A. & Edling, S. (2021). Unaccompanied migrant children’s rights. MDPI, Social Sciences, 10 (6), 10.3390/socsci10060185 [Mer information]

  • Francia, G. & Edling, S. (2020). Unaccompanied Afghan minors’ rights when restrictive transnational migration policies are in force. Brill, The International Journal of Children's Rights, 28 (4), (894-924). [Mer information]

  • Francia, G. & Edling, S. (2017). Children's rights and violence. Childhood, 24 (1), (51-67). [Mer information]

  • Parker Jenkins, M., Francia, G. & Edling, S. (2017). Education for the other. Compare, 47 (2), (257-270). [Mer information]

  • Edling, S. & Francia, G. (2017). Newly arrived pupils and violence. Franco Ageli, Education Sciences and Society, 8 (1), (137-153). [Mer information]

  • Francia, G. (2017). Posibilidades y desafíos para la enseñanza del español como lengua extranjera en el contexto escolar nórdico. MINISTERIO DE EDUCACIÓN, CULTURA Y DEPORTE Subsecretaría Subdirección General de Cooperación Internacional Edita: © SECRETARÍA GENERAL TÉCNICA Subdirección General de Documentación y Publicaciones Edición: 2017 Imagen de la portada: Dandelion de Huskyherz publicada bajo licencia en NIPO: 030-15-031-6 Ciudad: Madrid Correo electrónico:, Revista RedELE, (Número Especial. Enero 2017), (1-22). [Mer information]

  • Rottenberg, D. & Francia, G. (2016). El contexto neoliberal en el alcance de la equidad propuesta por las políticas europeas de proficiencia lingüística. PROFESORADO, 20 (2), (366-380). [Mer information]

  • Francia, G. & Riis, U. (2016). Enactment processes in the implementation of European and national foreign language proficiency policies. European Journal of Language Policy, 8 (2), (173-189). [Mer information]

  • Francia, G. (2015). Equidad, inclusión social y capacidad individual. Foro de Educación, 13 (18), (5-12). 10.14516/fde.2015.013.018.001 [Mer information]

  • Francia, G. (2013). The impacts of individualization on equity educational policies. Journal of New Approaches in Educational Research, 2 (1), (17-22). 10.7821/naer.2.1.17-22 [Mer information]

  • Francia, G. (2011). Childrens’ right to equitable education. Education Inquiry, 2 (3), (401-419). 10.3402/edui.v2i3.21991 [Mer information]

  • Francia, G. (2011). Dilemmas in the Implementation of Children’s Right to Equity in Education in the Swedish Compulsory School. European Educational Research Journal, 10 (1), (102-117). [Mer information]

  • Francia, G. (2011). Likvärdighetens vägval. Vägval i skolans historia, (2), (3-5). [Mer information]

  • Francia, G. (2008). La intertextualidad en las reformas educativas. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 16 (), (1-25). [Mer information]

  • Francia, G. (1998). Islamiska skolor. Pedagogisk forskning i Sverige, 3 (4), (192-210). [Mer information]

Övrig (populärvetenskap, debatt, mm)

  • Francia, G. & Riis, U. (2014). Tillväxtens risker. LMS, 2 (), (2-5). [Mer information]


  • Francia, G. (1999). Policy som text och praktik<em> </em> : En analys av likvärdighetsbegreppet i 1990-talets utbildningsreform för det obligatoriska skolväsendet. . Stockholm: Stockholms universitet. 342 s. (Doktorsavhandlingar från Pedagogiska institutionen, Stockholms universitet ) [Mer information]


  • Thornberg, R., Wänström, L., Edling, S., Francia, G. & Gill, P. (2023). Peer Victimization amongst Swedish students: Protective Roles of School Staff Supportiveness and Class Climate. [Mer information]

  • Francia, G., Neubauer , E., Adrían, K. & Edling, S. (2023). Refugee and Migrant Bodies in the Interplay of Education and Migration Policies in EU/Europe. [Mer information]

  • Francia, G., Luzon-Trujillo, A. & Edling, S. (2022). Education dilemmas concerning schools as working and learning environments during the Covid pandemic: Voices from teacher unions in Sweden and Spain. [Mer information]

  • Francia, G. (2022). El contexto político en el encuadre mediático sobre acusaciones de violencia sexual: Un análisis critico del discurso mediático en los casos Julian Assange y Jurij Dmitrijev. [Mer information]

  • Francia, G., Ericsson, L. & Luzon-Trujillo, A. (2022). En búsqueda de los comunes y lo común en políticas de educación equitativa. [Mer information]

  • Francia, G. & Åstrand, B. (2022). Exploring equity in education in globalization times: A theoretical approach. [Mer information]

  • Ancheta-Arrabal, A. & Francia, G. (2022). La organización temporal de la educación primera infancia como estrategia pedagogica y de bienestar social en España y Suecia. [Mer information]

  • Francia, G. & Bergstrand, U. (2022). Reduced teacher education as strategy against teacher shortage: Impacts on equity. [Mer information]

  • Neubauer, A., Francia, G. & Edling, S. (2022). Social representations of migrant children in Spanish and Swedish media before and during the global pandemic. [Mer information]

  • Francia, G., Erickson, L. & Luzón, A. (2021). El derecho a una educación equitativa en tiempos de incertidumbre causados por la pandemia de la COVID19. [Mer information]

  • Edling, S. & Francia, G. (2021). Gendered dimensions in the enactment of the right of the child to be protected from violence. [Mer information]

  • Pulido-Montes, C., Francia, G. & Ancheta, A. (2021). La biopolítica del cierre de centros educativos en España y Suecia: un estudio comparado desde una perspectiva de género. Länk [Mer information]

  • Francia, G., Erickson, L. & Luzón, A. (2021). Policies for equity in education in times of COVID-19 pandemic. [Mer information]

  • Francia, G., Neubauer, A. & Grinberg, A. (2021). The Convention of the Rights of the Child in the Context of the Advance of the Far-Right. [Mer information]

  • Francia, G., Neubauer, A. & Edling, S. (2021). The rights of unaccompanied minors in Spain and Sweden: A child-rights approach in sustainability policies. [Mer information]

  • Francia, G. & Rafaelsen-Gumula, V. (2021). What do "choice skills" mean at vocational educational training programs?. [Mer information]

  • Edling, S. & Francia, G. (2020). Critical Trends: Threats to Democracy and Education. [Mer information]

  • Francia, G. & Edling, S. (2019). A Children's Rights Perspective on Traditional Schooling and Education for Sustainable Development. [Mer information]

  • Dorio, Nunzio, J., Francia, G., Edling, S., Ayik, B. & Abagat Liboon, C. (2019). Children at Our Walls : Dehumanizing Discourses and Policies Challenging the Rights of Asylum-Seeking Minors in the United States and Sweden. [Mer information]

  • Francia, G. (2019). El discurso de la ultraderecha en el marco de la formación de políticas públicas de educación inclusiva y equitativa en España y Suecia. [Mer information]

  • Francia, G. & Edling, S. (2019). Neoliberal policy paradigm in Teacher Education in Argentina and Sweden : Strategy for increase quality and teacher profession status?. [Mer information]

  • Edling, S., Biffi, E., Francia, G. & Montà, C. (2018). Children’s right not to be subjected to violence – a comparative discourse analysis of educational policy between Sweden and Italy. [Mer information]

  • Francia, G. (2018). Intertextuality in the analysis of the right of equity in Education in Sweden. S. 57-. [Mer information]

  • Francia, G., Edling, S. & Sund, L. (2018). What does research tell us on the interrelation between justice, sustainability and teacher education?. [Mer information]

  • Francia, G. & Edling, S. (2018). When The Convention of The Rights of the Child is Not Enough : Civil Disobedience from a Research Perspective. [Mer information]

  • Edling, S. & Francia, G. (2017). Public or private governance of School violence: A leadership perspective. [Mer information]

  • Francia, G., Parker-Jenkins, M. & Edling, S. (2016). Developing education policy to support the rights of refugee Children to Education : Reflections from Sweden and the Republic of Ireland. [Mer information]

  • Edling, S., Jenkins-Parker, M. & Francia, G. (2016). Education of the Other : education policies targeted to Muslim refugees children in UK and Sweden. [Mer information]

  • Edling, S., Francia, G., Luzón, A. & Parker-Jenkins, M. (2016). ¿Existe una política educativa de apoyo a los derechos de los menores refugiados? Reflexiones desde Suecia, República de Irlanda y España. [Mer information]

  • Edling, S. & Francia, G. (2016). Private or public good? : Exploring violent acts at a boarding school in Sweden from a children’s right perspective. [Mer information]

  • Francia, G. & Edling, S. (2015). Can school leaders make a difference in the protection of children’s rights against violence? <em></em> : A Critical Discourse Analysis of Different leadership strategies at boarding school in Sweden. [Mer information]

  • Edling, S. & Francia, G. (2014). Methodological and Ethical Implications in Studying the Child's Perspective. [Mer information]

  • Francia, G. & Edling, S. (2013). A Child Perspective in the Study of Bullying in Swedish Boarding Elite’s Schools. [Mer information]

  • Edling, S. & Francia, G. (2013). How are EU-policies regarding social inclusion of Roma populations adapted in national governments? : Comparing Spanish and Swedish policies for Roma education. [Mer information]

  • Jenkins-Parker, M., Edling, S. & Francia, G. (2013). Responding to the educational needs of Muslim children in a non-Islamic state : a UK-Sweden comparative study. [Mer information]

  • Francia, G. (2007). The Negotiation of the Right of the Child to Education in the Name of Religion. [Mer information]


    Edling, S., Francia, G., Bourbour, M., Masoumi, D. & Gill, P. (2024). I skuggan av mobbning och kränkande behandling på mellanstadiet från ett genusperspektiv : Resultat från en fallstudie. Gävle: Gävle University Press. s 53. (FOU-rapport 62) Mer information [Mer information]

    Riis, U. & Francia, G. (2013). Lärare, elever och spanska som modernt språk : Styrkor och svagheter - möjligheter och hot. Uppsala: Fortbildningsavdelningen för skolans internationalisering, Centre for Professional Development and Internationalisation in Schools. s 166 [Mer information]

    Francia, G. (2010). Utvärdering av försöksverksamheten för Collegeutbildning vid Örebro Universitet<em></em> : . Uppsala: Uppsala universitet [Mer information]

Kapitel i böcker

  • Francia, G. (2018). L’enseignement en Suède. Entre tronc commun et filières, quelle école commune ? Etude comparative.. Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgique), Thélème (Académia-L'Harmattan), 2018 (à paraître). S. 203-236. [Mer information]

  • Francia, G. (2015). An Equitable Education System’s Achilles Heel?. Farnham, Ashgate. [Mer information]

  • Edling, S. & Francia, G. (2015). Roma in Europe. Rotterdam, Sense Publishers. [Mer information]

  • Francia, G. (2014). Education Reform in Sweden. Charlotte, NC, Information Age Publishing. [Mer information]

  • Francia, G. (2013). Svenska som andraspråk. Literacy-praktiker i och utanför skolan. Malmö, Gleerups Utbildning AB. S. 107-126. [Mer information]

  • Francia, G. & Moreno Herrera, L. (2012). Sweden. Educational Policies and Inequalities in Europe. London, Palgrave Macmillan. S. 259-287. [Mer information]

  • Rochex, J., Francia, G., Greger, D. & Le Breton, J. (2011). Les adaptations et transformations curriculaires et pédagogiques et leurs agents dans les politiques d'éducation prioritaire. Les politiques d'éducation prioritaire en Europe : Tome II : Quel devenir pour l'égalité scolaire?. Lyon, ENS Editions. S. 243-278. [Mer information]

  • Francia, G. (2009). The Negotiation of the Right of the Child to Education in the Name of Religion. Your Heritage or Mine : Teaching in a Multi-Religious Classroom. Uppsala, Swedish Science Press. [Mer information]

  • Francia, G. & Moreno Herrera, L. (2008). Les politiques d’éducation prioritaire suédoises en période de décentralisation et d’individualisation. Les politiques d’éducation prioritaire en Europe : Tome I: Conceptions, mises en œuvre, débats. Lyon, ENS Editions. S. 363-406. [Mer information]

  • Francia, G. (2008). Likvärdighet, betyg och kunskapsbedömningar. Vadå likvärdighet? : Studier i utbildningspolitisk språkanvändning. Göteborg, Daidalos. S. 99-123. [Mer information]

  • Francia, G. (2008). Omfördelning eller erkännande?. Vadå likvärdighet? : studier i utbildningspolitisk språkanvändning. Göteborg, Daidalos. S. 59-73. [Mer information]

  • Francia, G. (2006). Conflicts between conceptions and practices in the process of public founded independent schools in Sweden. Helsinki, Research Centre for Social Studies Education, University of Helsinki. [Mer information]

  • Francia, G. (2005). La marche vers l’équité. Bruxelles, De Boeck. [Mer information]

  • Francia, G., Moreno Herrera, L. & Englund, T. (2005). L’équité dans les pays nordiques. Bruxelles, De Boeck. [Mer information]

  • Francia, G. (2004). The right of equality of results and its implications on the Swedish Educational System of the XXIst. Örebro, Örebro University, Department of Education. [Mer information]

  • Francia, G. (2001). Det intertextuella perspektivet inom pedagogisk forskning. Perspektiv och förståelse. Stockholm, Carlsson Bokförlag. S. 224-234. [Mer information]

  • Grosin, L. & Francia, G. (2001). Les écoles islamiques, une conséquence de la libéralisation et de la privatisation du système d'enseignement suédois. Caen, France, Presses Universitaires de Caen. [Mer information]

  • Francia, G. (1998). L’école en Suède. Caen, France, Université de Caen. [Mer information]


  • Edling, S., Francia, G., Bourbour, M., Masoumi, D. & Gill, P. (2024). I skuggan av mobbning och kränkande behandling på mellanstadiet från ett genusperspektiv. FOU-rapport. Gävle, Gävle University Press. [Mer information]

  • Edling, S., Francia, G., Gill, P., Matton, P. & Simonsson, B. (2022). Motverka mobbning och annan kränkande behandling i skolan. Lund, Studentlitteratur AB. [Mer information]

  • (2021). Special Issue "Children’s Rights from a Sustainability Perspective: The UNCRC in Dialogue with Agenda 2030". Social Sciences. MDPI. [Mer information]

  • Riis, U. & Francia, G. (2013). Lärare, elever och spanska som modernt språk. Uppsala, Fortbildningsavdelningen för skolans internationalisering, Centre for Professional Development and Internationalisation in Schools. [Mer information]

  • Francia, G. (2010). Utvärdering av försöksverksamheten för Collegeutbildning vid Örebro Universitet<em></em>. Uppsala, Uppsala universitet. [Mer information]

  • (2004). Educational policies. Reports from the Department of Education, Örebro University. Örebro, Örebro universitet. [Mer information]

  • (2002). Decentralization and centralization policies in education in Europe. Reports from the Department of Education, Örebro University. Örebro, Örebro Universitet. [Mer information]

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