Contact information and maps

Phone: +46 26-64 85 00
Opening hours: Monday - Friday 08.00-16.00

Visiting Adress
Kungsbäcksvägen 47

Postal Adress
University of Gävle
SE-801 76 Gävle

Corporate Identity

Our opening hours for visits

Entrance doors
Monday-Friday 08.00-18.00
(Access with HiG card at 05.00-24.00)

Entrance doors will be closed on Monday 8 July and reopen on 5 august. Students and staff can enter with HiG card.

Reception desk
Monday-Thursday 08.00-16.00
Friday 08.00-15.30

The library
See Library opening hours

Find your way to University of Gävle

Archives and registry

The registry is responsible for mail opening and archiving.

Reception of goods

Large goods are normally addressed to our visiting address: Kungsbäcksvägen 47, 802 67 Gävle. There is a loading bay at building 21 (building Oden).
Large goods to our premises OUTSIDE the campus area are sent to the respective town/branch, according to the other addresses below.
For smaller parcels, use the official postal address: University of Gävle, 801 76 Gävle.

Hus 45 Heimdall

Stenhammarsvägen 6, 802 67 GÄVLE


Styrmansgatan 2 B, 802 87 GÄVLE


Centrum för belastningsskadeforskning
Högskolan i Gävle
Box 7629
907 13 UMEÅ

Besöksadress: Universums gränd 8–10, 907 36 Umeå

This page was last updated 2024-06-19