Sustainable development

Education, research and collaboration at the University of Gävle contribute to solving many of the global challenges identified in the 2030 Agenda. In our daily activities, we strive to continuously reduce environmental impact and resource use.

The first choice for all who want to make a difference

The University's mission statement and vision make it clear that we want to actively contribute to a sustainable world through education, research and collaboration.

Agenda 2030 at the University of Gävle

The 2030 Agenda includes 17 global goals for economically, socially, and environment­ally sustainable development. To achieve the goals by 2030, everyone must take responsi­bility - states, institutions, private companies, the international community, and civil society. The University of Gävle does this by educating, researching, and collaborating for a sustainable future and by systematically reducing the environmental impact of our own operations.

Read more about the Agenda 2030 and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals on the UN website External link.

Education to promote the Sustainable Development Goals

The vast majority of the University's programmes and courses incorporate sustainable development to some extent, as reflected in the curricula. We are working to clarify which SDGs each programme is linked to, so that as a student you can choose a programme that gives you the tools to promote the Sustainable Development Goals you are most passionate about.

Examples of programs linked to the Global Goals

Research that solves societal challenges

The University's research and collaborations contribute to solving the societal challenges facing the world in the short and long term, with a strategic focus on the four areas of Urban Sustainability, Health Promoting Work, Innovative Learning and Intelligent industry.

See how the research areas are linked to the Global Goals

Our work for sustainable development

University of Gävle works for sustainable development in two ways:

  • Directly by reducing the negative environmental impact and resource use of the University. The direct environmental impact is managed in the University's environmental management system. This is where the University's environmental impact is targeted, measured, and monitored.
  • Indirectly, through education and research that contribute to increased sustainability. The indirect environmental impact of the University is managed in the University's quality assurance system. It targets and measures how the University's education and research address environmental and sustainability issues.

The University of Gävle has been certified according to ISO 14001 since 2004.

This page was last updated 2024-04-11