Apply for Approved Leave from Studies

If you are a programme student, you can apply for Approved Leave from Studies here.

Approved Study Leave based on UHR guidelines

The university grants the approved leave from studies based upon the Higher Education Ordinance UHRFS 2016:1

  • You commit to notify your intention to resume your studies, after the approved leave from studies, no later than 15 April before an autumn semester and no later than 15 October before a spring semester.
  • Information about applying for courses within your study programme can be found at:
  • For information about study finance please contact CSN.

Application for Approved Leave of studies

Once you have submitted your application via the form, you will receive a confirmation that we have received your application.

Reason for Approved Leave from Studies? * (mandatory)
Reason for Approved Leave from Studies?

Which period do you want to apply for Approved Study Leave?
You can only apply for approved leave from studies for a maximum of two semesters per application

Are you a fee-paying student? * (mandatory)
Are you a fee-paying student?


You can make an appeal if your application about approved leave from studies has not been granted. The appeal must be in writing. The registration number, and what desired change to the decision wished for, must be stated in the appeal letter. The appeal letter is to be addressed to the Higher Education Appeals Board (ÖNH) but sent to the registrar at Högskolan i Gävle (HiG), 801 76 Gävle. It should arrive at University of Gävle within three weeks from the day you received the decision.


Student support

Division of Educational Support

This page was last updated 2024-06-28