Application and Admission

On the following pages you will find more information on how to apply for courses and programmes. You can also read about eligibility, qualifications and other things that can help you in the application and admission process.

Apply via

You register for programmes via, a joint website that the majority of Sweden's higher education institutions use for application to their programmes. You apply for programmes and courses in a single application.

Apply after the deadline - Late Application

After the deadline, you have the opportunity to make a late application. Late applications are placed in the queue according to those who applied on time and according to the date the application was received. Therefore, please submit your application as soon as possible.

What are the Entry Requirements?

To study at a higher education institution, you are required to have certain prior knowledge – you must be qualified. These prerequisites and qualifications form the basis for you to be able to complete your studies.

Selection and Merit Rating

Being eligible for a programme does not mean that you are automatically admitted to the programme you have applied for. When there are more eligible applicants than there are places on a programme, the places are allocated by selection. To be able to compete for places in a programme, you need a merit rating. This merit is based on the education and training required to qualify.

Credit Transfer and Prior Learning

Do you lack formal qualifications for higher education? By combining upper secondary school courses and work experience or by applying for an assessment of prior learning, there may be opportunities for you. This does not guarantee you a place, but it gives you the chance to participate in the selection process.

Transferring to a programme at the University of Gävle

Have you started your programme studies at another university in Sweden but want to change to the University of Gävle? It is possible to apply for a later part of the programme if you meet the entry requirements and places are available.

General questions about your application

For general questions regarding user accounts and admission to programmes and courses, contact the University Admissions Service at

Telephone: +46 771 550 720
Phone hours: Monday–Friday 9–16 CET
University Admissions Support Centre External link.


Admissions Office

Division of Educational Support

Admissions Statistics

The Swedish Council for Higher Education (UHR) has statistics for previous admission rounds. Among other things, you can see what the lowest admission score is.

Admission Statistics (in Swedish) External link.

This page was last updated 2024-06-18