Study Help

Being a student at a university often requires motivation, self-discipline, concentration and planning. A good study technique can help you to succeed with your studies and give you time for more than studies.

Successful Studies

Studiehjälpen (Study Help) offers support with study techniques, study planning and motivation.​​ We can help you on your way to successful studies.

You can book individual counselling sessions with Studiehjälpen. We offer counselling both online and on-campus sessions. Please email to make an appointment.

Weekly planning and to do lists

You can download and print our lists and weekly planners completely free of charge. Most of the documents are designed to be printed on A4 paper, but the ten-week planner is best printed on A3 paper. It covers an entire study period and is perfect for hanging on the fridge. Please note that the headings and days of the week are in Swedish.

To do – simple list Pdf, 119.3 kB.
To do – list with weekdays Pdf, 156.5 kB.
Weekly planner – one week Pdf, 169.1 kB.
Weekly planner – five weeks Pdf, 135.9 kB.
Weekly planner – five weeks (fillable) Word, 251.7 kB.
Weekly planner – ten weeks Pdf, 107.1 kB.


Studiehjälpen, profilbild


Division of Educational Support

Academic Writing

If you want to develop your writing skills, you can contact the Writing Centre (Skrivar­verkstaden). They can help you wherever you are in your writing, whether you write in Swedish or English.

Contact the Writing Centre


This page was last updated 2024-06-03